Micheletti "Osprey" Rigid-Rim 2015

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Micheletti "Osprey" Rigid-Rim 2015


After thinking about this for years, Rick has finally developed and patented a totally new concept for acoustic guitars. Rigid Rim Technology is about focusing the energy from the strings to the top and back of the guitar without losing energy to the side connection. The laminated rims are very stiff and assist the top and back of the instrument in sound production like the rigid frame in a loud speaker allows the cone to vibrate without energy loss.

And what a sound! Clear and articulated with plenty of volume and presence.

Another advantage of Rigid Rim Technology is the nice rounded edges that can be achieved. The interface between the musician and the instrument just got a lot friendlier.

  • top: sinker redwood
  • b&s: East Indian rosewood
  • Rigid Rim: mahogany
  • individual saddles
  • tuners: Gotoh 510 Gold w/ebony buttons
  • segmented, overlapping rosette

And speaking of sinker redwood, here's an article Rick wrote for Acoustic Guitar magazine. 


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